Conversation Between AngelicImpurity and ~PlatinumCream~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
Yo Angelic, long time no see.
Hey there, Angelic. Long time no see.
Gay guys are usually petrified of their sexuality, at least at first.
Really? -Pokes your forehead-
LOL. *hugs you up* Most men who are gay are afraid of being such, anyway.
-Headdesk- I do wish I was a boy... I hate being a girl so much... the only thing I can do is daydream..
Because I'm toooootally gay. XD I love cute boys, and handsome HUNKS. X3
-Hugs back- You been here for a while huh? Why do you enjoy yaoi, if I may ask? -Pokes cheeks-
Not a problem at all. *hugs!*