Conversation Between Madame Cassy and Kaido
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
August 6th, 18 07:05 AM
I've been having my ups and downs. Bit right now I am alright.
Besides having a bad allergy day, everything is dandy~
How about you? Has life been fair to you lately?
July 28th, 18 01:16 AM
Hello. How are you?
July 7th, 18 04:37 AM
*hugs* Thanks. Sorry for the lack of sleep you got.
Oh no no no no no....
-pulls you in for a hug-
I'm sorry to hear this.....
July 7th, 18 04:13 AM
Going through some mental and medical issues right now. I'm struggling but I'm fine for now.
Good good, just a bit tired from a lack of sleep last night~
How are you? Everything going good for you?
July 6th, 18 09:49 PM
Hello, there. How are you?