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Conversation Between axysses and TrueBeautiflDarkness
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. TrueBeautiflDarkness
    June 4th, 11 05:03 AM
    I'm sorry to pry, but i was wondering if you'd be posting soon?
  2. TrueBeautiflDarkness
  3. axysses
    April 29th, 11 01:16 PM
    I don't mind the one about the military man! How about you create the thread and point me to it?
  4. TrueBeautiflDarkness
    April 25th, 11 05:12 PM
    I do. I want to have this role play about a military captain who falls in love with one of the towns folk of the town he'd been attacking, the boy doesn't know who the captain is and miss takes him for his savor and goes with him willingly, where they fall in love with the slight drama of the boy finding out the truth but them over coming it together!

    If that doesn't work....

    Then just a role play about a school (college) that takes its students into either normal classes or advance classes and they become either music idles or some kind of famous person.
  5. axysses
    April 25th, 11 05:04 PM
    Haha that's interesting. Do you have an idea of what to roleplay about?
  6. TrueBeautiflDarkness
    April 25th, 11 05:02 PM
    Hello! Um I was wondering if you'd be up for a one on one role play with me? (and i'd really like it if you could be the seme)

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