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Dragon Boy Dragon Boy is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 47
  1. September
    December 25th, 19 01:43 AM
    Maybe takes place in college with them both in their 20s woth them as roommates? My character has a crush on yours and eventually admits it.
  2. September
    December 24th, 19 10:27 PM
    A kind and caring dom that can be strict when needed.
  3. September
    December 24th, 19 09:06 PM
    First my character

    Sadly no pic. I should search for one at some point. Or have one drawn

    His name is September. He has white hair due to a genetic disorder named Poliosis Circumscripta. His eyes are Emerald Green with rose-gold specks. He is really small for his age. He is also rather thin. He has freckles on his cheeks and arms. His figure is somewhat feminine

    He is shy, easily scared, and easily embarrassed. He is terrified of Water, Storms, loud noises, Heights, the dark, And Being Alone.

    He has terrible eyesight, so he wear glasses.

    His favorite clothes are a pink sweatshirt, black jeans, and tennis shoes. He tends to like more girly clothes.
  4. September
    December 24th, 19 08:18 PM
    For some reason I can only post two messages per 24 hours. So we have to keep our discussion here. I do have a DiaperedAnime account. I also like spanking. I have some ideas and a character if you’d like to hear them.
  5. September
    December 24th, 19 06:19 AM
    I’d prefer to discuss that privately. Can we move this to Private Messages?
  6. September
    December 24th, 19 04:26 AM
    It would he nice if you could do that, thank you
  7. September
    December 23rd, 19 11:15 PM
    Well, would you be okay with me being the submissive/uke?
  8. September
    December 23rd, 19 07:49 PM
    It’s okay! I understand that. I’m glad your doing okay. Would you maybe like to do an RP?
  9. September
    December 23rd, 19 05:27 AM
    Hello! How are you doing today?
  10. EvilRoach
    December 23rd, 19 02:01 AM
    No, no, it's okay! I figured that'd be the case. So, you know, if there's anything else you'd wanna do with me, just let me know so I can make it up to you.

    Well, after the shut down is over.

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  • Last Activity: February 27th, 25 01:56 AM
  • Join Date: May 22nd, 13
  • Referrals: 0


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