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Kaido Kaido is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 431 to 440 of 682
  1. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:55 AM
    Okay. How about "If Wishes Were Kittens"? You know, there's actually an idiom that goes like "If wishes were horses, beggars could ride."
  2. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:40 AM
    Did you mean 'slum' or 'sum'? Because I don't know what the latter means. Sure, it could be a poignant RP about them trying to improve the quality of their lives.
  3. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:31 AM
    I'm thinking a li'l outside the box. How about a pair of nekos competing for something. Like a title. Or who can do the most tricks. Or whip up the tastiest fish dish. And falling in love in the course of their kittenish games.

    If you have any other ideas, bounce them by me.
  4. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:21 AM
    I'm not on any of the sister sites. Just be careful, this is too great a site to be banned from! And our characters will be androids with kitty features, or else that would break the no furries rule.

    As for a title, we'd have to come up with a plot to decide the title. I'm adding you now.
  5. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:11 AM
    Good . Miaow! Can you start the RP? And may we add eachother as friends, since we'll be fellow neko RP playmates now?
  6. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 06:04 AM
    I'd love to be a cute neko seme, with the ears and the tail and pouncing on things that move suddenly. I have a few kittens in my compound, and they all behave like that. Is that ok with you?
  7. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 05:57 AM
    Adorable, adorable. And I'd cherish my uke, don't worry. Just to be clear, who's the neko? Me or you? Because I'd love to be a neko seme.
  8. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 05:46 AM
    I've always been a big cat lover, and kitty ears would be adorable

    So what kind of personality would you like me to have as a seme? I for one like ukes with personalities of substance, and that phrase can be interpreted in various ways.
  9. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 05:35 AM
    I'm online for like another 10 mins. It's okay if you're uncomfortable with those ideas, the second one is for a smutty mindset. Do you want to do a neko RP then?
  10. Amethystaura
    July 17th, 11 05:10 AM
    I'm logging off now, so PM me if you like any of the following:

    1) http://yaoiai.com/forum/showthread.p...998/index.html

    2) http://yaoiai.com/forum/showthread.p...109/index.html

    We'll discuss the details further.

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  • Last Activity: November 30th, 24 02:51 AM
  • Join Date: March 27th, 08
  • Referrals: 2


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