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i HoNeSTLY LoST iNTeReSTS oN aNY eXiSTiNG CHaRaCTeRS. BuT i uSeD To LiKe “SoL BaDGuY” oN aN aRCaDe GaMe CaLLeD “GuiLTY GeaRS” aND Do LoVe THe aNiMe(S): ao No eXoRCiST, SouL eaTeR, oVeRLoRD, aND... i CaN’T ReMeMBeR THe oTHeRS. aM NoT a FaN oF THoSe FaMouS aNiMe SeRRieS THouGH LiKe THoSe NaRuTo, BLeaCH, oNe PieCe, eTC...
MY CuRReNT iNTeReSTS FoCuSeS oN VaRiouS oRiGiNaL CHaRaCTeRS oN MaNY GeNRe. BuT MaiNLY i LoVe MY oWN oC(S) (i Do HaVe a FeW aND i TRY MY BeST NoT To FoRGeT THeM, oR THeiR PuRPoSe...