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Icefire Icefire is offline

free but can be tamed ;)

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 2198
  1. blacklynx
    September 8th, 15 05:57 PM
    Love makes the world go round, that and money It was a very fun trip and an eye opening experience. I got to see more then my bubble of NYC. It was a little nerve wracking, but with some open minded behavior and a few drinks, everything was A-Ok xD Thank you very much, I'm hoping I'll keep on improving ^.^ Patreon is basically a subscription site, where you offer money to get content from your favorite artists. My interview was at Athleta, part of Gap. Just catch me up to speed xD
  2. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 09:11 PM
    Okie Dokie ^^
  3. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 08:23 PM
    Idk it just happens when I meet someone older. Do you mind if I play sub?
  4. Icefire
    September 4th, 15 08:21 PM
    Y? im only around 2 years older then u ok that sounds good to me
  5. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 08:13 PM
    Now I feel so small X3 lol. How about fresh man meets senior in college?
  6. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 08:07 PM
    Hm,not really. 19 X3
  7. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 08:01 PM
    lol of course not that, he'll could be 18, a fresh man in college
  8. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 07:56 PM
    Hm, well how about a bit if we put the sub as a cross-dresser? Maybe he looks more like a girl?
  9. Kaito_san~
    September 4th, 15 07:52 PM
    Sure! ^^
  10. blacklynx
    September 4th, 15 04:12 PM
    Lol it was fun at moments, hard at others but overall an experience xD As far as good/fun/interesting, I got a boyfriend, and we've been together for a while, and I just got back from vacation with him from Michigan where met all his family and friends and so that was a very fun trip. My drawing is improving, in my opinion so I started a Patreon too lol I got a interview for a job so hopefully that goes well. That's pretty much it on my side. What about you?

About Me

  • About Icefire
    I am a very nice guy, a very loyal guy, a very helpful guy. I put my friends before my self, if a friend is upset i go out of my way to help them. I am a bit clueless sometimes, I am a big softy for love. I am looking to make friends here and maybe something more if thats what happeneds. I am a BIG sucker for blue eyes
    United States of America (in Texas)
    Helping people, volunteering, hanging out with friends, having fun, interested in men ;D
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  • Signature
    happy and looking for love


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General Information
  • Last Activity: September 4th, 15 08:39 PM
  • Join Date: December 27th, 12
  • Referrals: 2


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