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Garry Garry is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 419
  1. zajawa
    June 5th, 14 06:01 PM
    Yes, since you ended your post like you did I didn't have any other choice than to do that like that :]
  2. zajawa
    June 3rd, 14 09:32 PM
    Sure. Why not. Though I will reply tomorrow ^^'
  3. zajawa
    May 22nd, 14 07:25 PM
    Well. I can understand both sides. I learnt that when someone doesn't reply even if I remind him (or repeats it again and again) to just leave it till he would be able to remember about it by him/herself. If not then just ignore it since my life is stressful enough without being pissed about it.
  4. zajawa
    May 22nd, 14 07:15 PM
    Cool you say? In what way?
  5. zajawa
    May 22nd, 14 07:02 PM
    Nah. I know that sometimes time is needed to reply (sometimes one could even not feel like replying right away) and I have other rp's so I can chill out and just continue when you would be ready :P Doesn't bother me :]
  6. zajawa
    May 22nd, 14 02:14 PM
    Thanks I always wanted a badge xD
  7. Yaoibuttwannabe
    April 17th, 14 02:59 AM
    Sorry, I've been distracted lately.
  8. Kiba I.
    April 10th, 14 03:37 AM
    Kiba I.
    I'm good thanks, oh I'm sorry Garry.
  9. TimetoDuel95
    April 9th, 14 01:16 PM
    Hi...me again...I know this is the third time that I've complained, but I can't take it anymore. Now, you're ignoring my messages completely after we just got started talking about ideas for the rps we're doing. Oh, but you'll go ahead and respond to rps with other people and not even bother to check your inbox. Not only are you ignoring me, but you're ignoring a friend of mine, and that bothers me too. So, I'm closing the rps we have together and I'm not going to bother with you anymore. I've had it. I tried to be nice and give you a chance to tell me what I need to do to improve and try to talk to you, but you only respond to me when you feel like it, and, in my opinion, that says that you really don't care. Don't bother trying to talk to me because I'll have you blocked by the time you even bother to sign in and view this message. Good day.
  10. zajawa
    April 8th, 14 09:35 PM
    It was pink and with laces btw :P

About Me

  • About Garry
    There's not that much to tell,I'm here to enjoy some roleplays is all.

    -People who are not lazy to type.
    [As in,making a post that is not like 3-10 words long]
    -People who can actually use English properly.
    -Some details in the story would be lovely.
    -Staying in character as much as possible.
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General Information
  • Last Activity: February 20th, 18 12:25 AM
  • Join Date: September 29th, 12
  • Referrals: 0


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