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THaNK YoU FoR THe iNFo. MuSHKoRN!!! "GRaND CHaSe" eH? & "ZeRo" THe CHaRaCTeR NaMe... (SeaRCH aT GooGLe...) oK... iT LooKs LiKe a GooD GaMe iF YoU aSK Me... B.T.W CaN YoU GiVe Me a CoPy oF iMaGe THaT YoU uSeD aS YouR YAOIAI PRoFiLe PiCTuRe?
PLeaSe?!? PReTTY PLeaSe? WiTH WHiP CReaM & CHeRRY oN ToP!!! aS aN eXCHaNGe i'LL aLSo GiVe YoU SoMeTHiNG GooD... THaNK YoU & HaVe FuN!!!
oH!!! i FoRGoT... MaKe SuRe YoU SeND ME THe oRiGiNaL SiZe oF THe iMaGe/WaLLPaPeR... aND iTS uP To YoU oN WHeRe WiLL YoU SeND THe iMaGe To Me... THaNK YoU aGaiN... & HaVe FuN aLWaYS...
aM SoOoOoOoO SoRRy FoR LeTTiNG YoU DoWN “mushkorn” BuT I DiDN’T CReaTeD THe GiF PiCTuRe THaT aM uSiNG aS my aVaTaR PHoTo… BuT DeSPiTe oF THaT aM WiLLiNG To HeLP YoU To FiND SoMeTHiNG GooD THaT i WaY MoRe BeTTeR THaN My aVaTaR PHoTo… aNYWaY… iTs KiNDa FuNNY To TeLL YoU THaT WHeNeVeR i See/ReaD YouR uSeRNaMe (mushkorn) i aLWaYS THiNK oF “MuSHRooM” aND ”CoRN” NoW i’M HuNGRY… XD aNYWaY… HaVe FuN aLWaYs… XD