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Icarus Wings (Private)
Old December 6th, 19, 05:52 PM   #1
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EvilRoach is offline
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Icarus Wings (Private)

It was 1932.

The planet Earth is a flooded ball of water and a collection of rocks that make up Island Nations. Few continents, and most kingdoms are made up of either a collection of islands-or archipelagos.

This is the era of adventure-or, rather, the era of wings, as aerial transportation is the only 'safe' way to travel. Pirates tend to pick off ships like seagulls hunting fish-and some of those fish can be very menacing...

We focus now on a quaint garage, the headquarters for Icarus Wings, a two-man operation of delivery and escorting services, with the pilot of the business, a strapping young man named Lance Lawton, was looking over a rather nice-looking letter.

"Hey, take a look at this new job."

Lance had offered the letter to his partner. He had stark white hair that was well combed, along with a matching white suit and sparkling, blue eyes.

The letter was sent to them by the Prince of the Desert Rose Kingdom, a distant, desert continent-one of few-and he was hiring the two of them to deliver them a beautiful new concubine from one of their colonial islands. It would be quite the trip in terms of distance.

Last edited by EvilRoach; December 6th, 19 at 06:01 PM..
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Old December 6th, 19, 06:10 PM   #2
Dragon Boy
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Oz Jones looked up from the biplane he was working on. He was in orange pants and a black dress shirt that was rolled up, the jacket of his suit hanging out of his gunner's office while he tuned up the engine of the plane. He raised an eyebrow and walked over, taking ahold of the letter.

"What do we got here?" He took the letter and began to read it to himself. Once he got the gist of it, he gave a chuckle.

"Alright, I think I follow." He nodded and turned to give a look to his partner. "We gonna take this job?"
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Old December 6th, 19, 06:32 PM   #3
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"He already sent us a payment, so we can't exactly turn this one down. I'll send a reply and let him know of our arrival while you get the plane ready." Lance said, going over to his desk and grabbing the package that came with that letter. He popped it open and Oz could see the glimmering of the gold inside. He took out a bag and shoveled half of it and tossed it over for Oz.

"That's your share and this is only half of the payment." Lance explained, "we'll get the rest of it after we deliver his concubine to him." Lance was rather old fashioned-he had nothing against sleeping around, but settling down with multiple wives or husbands? It didn't click well with him. But the clicking of money, that sat well with him just fine. With that, he set off to write and send that letter, as well as gather other supplies for the trip.

They would be heading to Bunny Ear, a desert island that's a good knots away from Banana Island, where their base of operations were, and would also be a good ways away from the Desert Rose Kingdom proper, meaning they'll need to make quite a few stops to restock on fuel.
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Old December 6th, 19, 06:54 PM   #4
Dragon Boy
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Oz grinned as he took the pack of money and slung it over his shoulder, "alright! I'll get this bird ready to fly!"

Escorting a whore to a prince's bed chambers? Sounded like a fun job. Unlike Lance, Oz had no hang ups on the matter of polyamory. In fact, he'd love to be able to retire on the beach of Banana Island, drink yogurt out of a shell and enjoy a cabaret of honey bunnies all for him. It was the dream, he thought to himself and in a way, he envied the prince.

But oh well. For now, he focused on just finishing up his work on the plane. The bird in question was a Grumman J2F Duck; an amphibious biplane, armed with two guns built onto the nose, as well as a machine gun in the second seat-the gunner's office, if you will.

He liked calling the plane 'Goose', and she was just as nimble and swift as the day she was assembled by his hands.

By the time Lance returned, Oz had his own supplies and the ship ready for take off, the young blond grinning once the pilot returned to their hanger, and his jacket back on.
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Old December 6th, 19, 08:06 PM   #5
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Once Lance returned to Grumman, his own supply pack over his shoulder, he gave Oz a nod and subtle smile before he climbed into the cockpit of the seaplane. He pulled on his aviator's cap and put on his goggles. He grabbed at the controls and opened up the hangar.

Although Banana Island was mostly tropical, the heart of the island had a thick swamp, with the garage itself built atop of the bubbling, bug-filled water. The plane took off, it's floaters skidding the water before the craft drove right over a waterfall and took off into the air, the bird officially taking off into the air.

Icarus Wings had taken flight!


It would be several hours of flight, but eventually, they'd reach Bunny Ear Island. It was midday when they landed at the dock of the desert island. The dock had a few hands, one of which approached the plane. Once Lance showed his license, the two would be able to jump off.

"Alright, I'll start rigging up the Goose. You find a tavern or something. The letter said we'll find a contact in some place called the 'The Axe And Bramble'."
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Old December 7th, 19, 03:51 PM   #6
Dragon Boy
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"Got it, Lance."

Oz took off for the rather small town. He looked among the squared village homes and looked around the modestly dressed folk. When people looked at this bronzed man walking around in a colorful suit, he certainly stood out. He could help but feel that he would get mugged at any second, and in this civilized part of society, he left his shotgun in the plane.

Not that they were the only 'guns' he had.

Just as he began to lose hope, he took notice of a building. It was rectangular and obviously wood, unlike the stone homes. He looked at the sign at the top.

'The Axe And Bramble'.

"Yup, that'll do it." Oz thought aloud before he headed to the tavern and pushed the door open.
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