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Waving the White Flag (with BadMonster) |
October 19th, 12, 09:37 PM
Uchiha Slut ~
~PlatinumCream~ is offline
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Waving the White Flag (with BadMonster)
Spring, March 16th 1942: Time to take a break, rest and well... be lazy. Unfortunately for the Axis it's.. more training and training and training. 'Ve~ I hate training..! Why can't Germany let us take a break so I can make some pasta for him and Japan?' this Italian man panting for his life heavily stopping in the middle of his laps, only 10 more to go. Germany is so well built and strong too from doing these work-out.
Italy plops onto the ground sweating beads of sweat feeling his dress shirt stick against his chest. "Germany! Can I take a break?! I'm so tired from running this laps.. Ve..."
Having those eyes closed begging for a decent break from his closet German friend.
October 20th, 12, 03:41 AM
It was a gorgeous Spring day! Germany awoke early and felt energized. He brushed his short blond hair back and dressed in his uniform. But before he left his room. He made sure his dirty magazines were well hidden. Knowing Italy, he would somehow find them and Germany would never hear the end of it.
Within a couple of hours, everyone was up and running. Just how Germany liked it. Orderly and simple. Germany was jogging along side his Axis buddies. So far so good. Italy would stop now and again and Germany would wait for him to get back up. He tried to be patient with the weaker country. He really did! But he couldn't help but lose it. Why was Italy so careless? Germany would never know. At least Japan obeyed. Right now the other Axis member kept a study pace.
The stronger country's eye twitched when Italy finally gave up. Germany stared down at him. "No! No break! How can I protect you when you can't protect yourself? Come on! Get up!" Germany lightly taps his boot against Italy's knee. "Hurry up!"
October 20th, 12, 04:04 AM
Uchiha Slut ~
~PlatinumCream~ is offline
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"..Ve~ Okay then..." Italy pouting to Germany as he tries to struggles it off and continues on running a good.. 10 laps? It was suppose to be 20 laps in total but the other laps, he ended up falling onto the ground out of breathe while his loud friend was yelling at him to keep moving.
Finally at the last lap, Italy completely out of energy dragging himself up to his quiet Asia friend, Japan collapsing below his feet. Japan stared down to his friend then back up to Germany raising his hand up slightly. "Ah Germany-san, I think we shourd take a break now. Itary-san looks compretery tired out.." pointing downwards.
Overhearing that comment grabbing his friend's arm resting his head against Germany's chest nuzzling slightly. "J-Japan... is... right.."
October 20th, 12, 04:18 AM
Throughout the last ten laps, Germany's face was in his hand. But he had to give Italy credit. Even though he whined and complained, he did finish the training. Germany shook his head as Italy dragged himself along the ground to Japan. The German caught on right away what Italy did. Italy knew he wouldn't listen to him so he went to Japan. Since Japan was the only Axis member who actually carried out Germany's orders, Germany would sometimes do what Japan asked of him. Today was one of those days.
The German patted Itay's head. "Ja. I suppose a break won't hurt us." The next thing Germany was going to say, he knew he was going to regret it. "Italy. Why don't you make us some pasta... Or something." Germany only asked to help cheer the Italian up.
October 20th, 12, 04:46 AM
Uchiha Slut ~
~PlatinumCream~ is offline
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His mind was huffing and puffing for some air until that sentence filled his ears, instantly regaining his stamina all of sudden. Italy looks up to Germany nodding happily hugging his friend tightly as he ran back to the house with quick speed. "Yay! Thanks Germany! You're the best!" his voice echoing through the wind. Japan just stared blankly out clapping his hands together. "..You westerners are one odd bunch."
Inside the house, Italy already finishing making that tasty pasta humming a song that he heard from his big brother Spain setting three plates down onto the table. Heading upstairs in which he forgotten something but then stops looking into Germany's room door open a bit. Tilting his head to the side thinking for a second before looking left and right then slowly pacing himself inside looking around in his friend's room, up and down and around until he peeked under the bed seeing a box taking it out and looks inside. "Ooo.. Germany is so dirty with these kind of magazines. I could take a peek inside... but I need to go back downstairs so Germany won't know that I've been in here..."
Italy stuffed one magazine into his shirt, closing the box and left the room. His eyes opening for once, those light brown orbs scanning the kitchen letting out a relief sigh with a warm smile just acting normal. 'I'll look after dinner..'
Last edited by ~PlatinumCream~; October 23rd, 12 at 03:46 AM..
November 3rd, 12, 04:05 AM
The stronger nation knew it was a bad idea to suggest that to the weaker nation. But making pasta was one thing Italy could do without running away like a coward. And sometimes his pasta did taste good. But over time Germany got sick of eating it everyday. Oh well. It made Italy happy, and for some odd reason, it made Germany happy too.
"Uh. There. There now." Germany awkwardly patted Italy on the back. Ugh! He's hugging a little to tight again. Once the Italian ran off, Germany spoke to Japan. "I believe it is Italy who is the odd one. He is-" Germany stopped speaking than rushed after Italy. There was one thing Germany could not stand! And that was a messy kitchen. He knew if he didn't clean up after Italy, the whole kitchen would be a disaster.
The whole time Italy cooked the pasta, Germany was there, silently cleaning up. Germany was to lost in his cleaning to notice the Italy disappear upstairs. Germany brushed his hands together. Satisfied to have his kitchen sparkly clean. He looked over his shoulder at the kitchen table and noticed the plates there. He smiled at Italy. Having no idea he was wandering in his bedroom. "Is it ready Italy? I could use a gut hot meal now." Germany walked over to the table and took a seat.
November 3rd, 12, 08:22 PM
Uchiha Slut ~
~PlatinumCream~ is offline
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Those dark chocolate dull eyes glanced to the German nation rushing behind the Italian knowing about his.. cooking habit and messiness in his kitchen. Taking out a notepad and pen writing every of his experience down following him back to the house keeping a steady pace.
Italy didn't even see Germany in the kitchen while his was cooking that tasty pasta nor Japan who was staying quiet in the meanwhile, hiding behind the wall after hearing his friend asked. Keeping that hidden magazine inside of his shirt walking into the kitchen waving to both and serves the pasta to his two best pals setting the pot in the middle taking his seat next to Germany.
"Tempo di Pasta!~" he shouted happily while stuffing his face in pasta.
January 19th, 13, 05:09 AM
Germany smiled. "Danke." The German picked up his fork and stared at the meal before him. Pasta again... Maybe he should suggest a different dish to Italy now and again. "Say, Italy. How about you cook....Uhhh...something else next time." Germany knew how sensitive his friend can be. Germany did not want Italy to think that he was hinting that his cooking was awful, which of course it wasn't. Germany quickly added, "Something like..." He thought for a second. "Like pizza." German looked at Japan. "Right, Japan? You can cook it after our training tomorrow."
Germany finally took a bite of his pasta. Eh. Not bad. He looked up at Italy who was making a mess. "Itay! Eat properly! You're making a mess!" Germany grabs his napkin and scrubs Itay's pasta stained face.
January 22nd, 13, 04:12 AM
Uchiha Slut ~
~PlatinumCream~ is offline
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This Italian was stuffing his face in pasta gulping it down quickly looking over to the German with a piece of spaghetti tilting his side to the side hearing about a suggestion in the meal. Pizza, sounds good. Japan was pacing his eating wiping the sauce from his corner lips. "Hai."
When Germany shouted at Italy for his messy eating, he couldn't help to giggle softy hoping that he won't noticed the 'hard cover' against his shirt inside. "Grazie Germany. You're always nice~"
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