Conversation Between charles wilbourn and Supernatural
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18
Hey! I'm not a member of Skype. Thanks for asking after my health. Actually, I've had a tough time; I've been sick for about a year, and had to visit the hospital several times. But I'm feeling better now. . . . My pup died only just over a week ago, and that was tough--only about 9. Pls. contact me!
Please check out a PM I sent you. There I give info about my status at Skype. I hope you get my messages. I'm ready to start our RP.
I hope you get better. If you would like to talk more direct. You can contact me on skype. lillove61866
I'm around and I haven't forgotten you. We'll Role Play, but I first need to get rid of a troublesome, stubborn blood clot. I don't think I'm in danger, but work won't help me get rid of it. Be patient. You'll hear from me soon!
yes you can. I don't mind it.
It's okay. Rl takes priority.
I play all three roles uke, seme and seke. None of my char's is human.
Hi, Supernatural!--I'm so sorry I haven't gotten back to you in so long. I have been sick, in fact I still am. I first had a serious ulcerating-rash on my legs, which itched like ceazy. I've begun recovering from that but during my convalescence, in my weakened health I developed bronchitis. The point is that I'm sick and tired and just can't do any creative work just now. But I definitely want to RP with you when I've recovered. Could you please tell me what you'd like to Role Play about? I'll answer your message as soon as possible. I'm soory to have kept you waiting like this.
most bdsm stuff. story line.